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El Mudo

El Mudo

Regular price $173.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $173.00 USD
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Device for Lead Rope Solo Climbing. That's the main device you need for going alone with a rope, to climb a route.

El Mudo 3.0 has been redesigned to offer more breaking power, with any brand of rope, so now there's no creep when you're hanging on the rope.
It also allows the use of ropes with a diameter from 9.4 to 10.5 (the best results are with ropes from 9.4 to 9.8 mm).

We take the security and performance very seriously, when buying the El Mudo you are buying a great device that was carefully engineered and deeply tested by real climbers, some of them with more than 40 years of being active in the sport.

Thank you for the feedback and comments, we re-engineer many parts of the device, to better fit your needs out there in your next adventure.

User Manual

Solo Climbing is an advanced maneuver and can lead to serious injury or death if you don't know how to do it. Please stay safe following the manual or seek professional instruction before committing to real solo climbing. You are using this device at your own risk and none of Stonecrag, affiliates or their creator are responsible for any improper usage.

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